Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The New Arrival in 2011

Well as many of you probably already know, we are expecting Baby #2 in 2011. Yay! I have been really bad about keeping track of this pregnancy. So in an attempt to document more, I am following my good friend, Two Pretzel's, example and blogging about it. I'll try to update every week and keep it varied. But I'm not making any promises. I'll also try to add a question link so you can ask me questions. But I am a blogger novice so bear with me please. Okay let's first get down the basics.

When is the baby due? And how far along are you?

The baby is due February 24, 2011. That makes me 15 weeks along, only 25 more to go. I've hopped into my 2nd trimester. My weeks start on a Thursday so I'll try to post around that day.

This 15th week the baby is measuring 4 inches long and is about the size of an apple.

How have you been feeling?

I have to tell you, the first trimester was really really rough. I have never been so sick for so long in my entire life. I am so glad I am out of that phase. The 2nd trimester has been better. I still feel exhausted a lot of the time though...I doubt that will get any better. The vomiting has pretty much subsided. And as long as I eat, ALL THE TIME, I don't get too nauseous anymore. And seriously, I have to eat every 1-2 hours. I do best if I am just constantly snacking on something but that's not really a reality when chasing a 2 year old around.

How do you feel about the pregnancy?

Honestly, mixed. We planned this and we want another child. Nicholas is way too spoiled to not have a sibling. But this pregnancy has just been really rough. I LOVED being pregnant with Nicholas and thought it would be the same this time. But it's totally different. I do love knowing there is a human being growing inside of me and I am responsible for it. The miracle of growing life is amazing. For example, this little one is about the size of an apple but it has eyelashes, fingernails, and is "breathing". It's just amazing to think of this tiny little person, so miniscule and still developing.

Are you going to find out the gender of the baby?

We don't think so. I wanted to and hubby doesn't. He wants to leave something to a surprise. And I've come around to the idea. The planner in me wants to know. What if it's a girl? I'll need a ton of clothes and it would be lots of fun to start shopping (as would Grandma G.). We would redo the nursery (we want to move Little Man to the other room.) If it's a boy we wouldn't need to do as much. So we'll wait and be surprised. Grandma G. will just have to shop later.

Have you any cravings or aversions?

I crave different things at different times but I have been lovin' me some fruit and eggs. Also I really don't want much to do with vegetables. Which is a bad thing because they would be good for me. Oh and I am not doing spicy.

Okay here's a picture at 15 weeks.


  1. Yay! I'm so excited that you'll be keeping us updated on the blog! And I am very happy to hear that the sickness has subdued itself finally.

    Looking forward to the surprise!

  2. How exciting! And I echo Kendra: it's so nice to hear how you're doing. Keep blogging.

    I love that you're not finding out the gender. So fun. Do you have a guess?

  3. Thanks for posting how you are doing!

    I am so sorry to hear you've been that sick. I sympathize. :-( I hope that the nausea continues to subside and you can take naps when little man takes naps.

    Love you!
