Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 20: Halfway There

I've made it to the halfway mark. Only 20 (give or take) weeks until the birth of our new little one. If you would have asked me in month 1 or 2 I never thought I would get to this point alive. Well, not really but it was rough going there for a while.
According to, The baby is now weighing around 10.5 ounces! Wow!! How did it get that big? And measuring from head-heel 10 inches. It's amazing these little beings fit inside us and then come out of us through a not so large space. I think that's one of the most fascinating things about pregnancy.
And how nature takes over. If you think about how humans start (just 2 little cells) and what we end up as, it's pretty amazing. And a woman's body just knows how to do it all.
I try not to worry about all the things you can worry about during pregnancy and have faith in my body. Even with all the medical advances, it's not 100% accurate. We just have to trust that our body knows and will do what it needs to do. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the medical technologies we have for in case something does go terribly wrong we aren't dying in childbirth like they did ages again. Pardon me, I digress.
So the baby has started producing meconium, that black sticky stuff that is their first bowel movements. Nice stuff.
It's all pretty exciting. Joe and I were just discussing the birth of Little Man and how it happened. Pretty exciting. I am thankful to have this experience again.
All for this week. I really need to take a picture for you but I am bad about getting it uploaded. I'll have more from vacay in a couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congratulations - you're half way there. Can you believe it?! Are you ready? (I'm not so sure I am yet. Thank goodness we have 40 weeks to prepare.)

    You're not finding out the gender, right?
