Saturday, March 19, 2011

A good day

We ventured out. We had a dr appt for Alexander. I decided to throw in extra stops too. I know I was asking a lot from all of us.
So we went to the doctor.
Alexander now weighs a whopping 8 lbs 11 oz. And grew another inch. He is almost 2 lbs above birth weight. Yay! He had a great check up. Nicholas was only mildly disruptive. He took a bunch of tongue depressors out of the canister to use with his trucks. Then pushed everything on the floor. He did pick them up. Then tried putting the sticks back in the container. Oops. One made it in and got lost. So I guess that won't be so sanitary.
Ok leave dr office and head to the balloon store. Joe's birthday Saturday so we had to get balloons. Mission complete.
Get gas.
Head to McDonald's for a quick snack. Two trips through the drive thru. My friend called and wanted something just as we finished. After we were pulling out for the second time I forgot to order myself fries. I wasn't going through again.
So off to the playground.
It was near 70 degrees, sunny, breezy. I was smokin'. Alexander was only in a light sleeper and a hat. He was smokin too all nestled in the Jeep front carrier. We all ate, then we played...for two hours! Alexander just slept. He is such a good baby. By the end Big Man and I were tired and ready to head home.
Home we came. Nap time for all of us.
For supper I grilled chicken legs.
It was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. I smiled while reading this.

    What a good day, Miranda. :)


    (The tongue depressor thing made me laugh. We took Lila and Vivienne over to Craig's clients' house and Lila proceeded to grab/eat/hold ALL of the cut up celery that they had out with their appetizers. Then, of course, she put them back in the original dish. AH.)
