Tuesday, June 14, 2011

4 Months

My sweet Alexander is 4 months old. And he is growing so fast. I weighed him at home today and the scale said 15 pounds! I don't believe that's accurate. He may of had a full diaper I can't remember. We go to the doctor next week so I'll get his official stats then. But he is round and happy and that is all that really matters.
He is such a sweetheart. He smiles all the time. It's so nice to have a baby that wakes up happy and doesn't whine. He is so alert and loves to watch his brother and the tv. Of course he loves any kind of attention he gets. He really only whines and cries when he is hungry or tired. He's just such a joy.
It's funny how different it is to have a second child. I know Alexander is happier when he gets good naps at home. But having a toddler and the desire and need to get out of the house overrule sometimes. He naps a bit in the car but doesn't stay asleep when we stop. So he doesn't get his full nap in and can be a bit cranky the rest of the day.
He takes either 1 or 2 naps in the morning. One long one or two short ones. He will then likely nap a few hours in the afternoon. Which is so nice to have both boys down for naps in the afternoon. That means I can get one too sometimes. He is then ready for bed around 8 or so.
He has slept 2 nights completely through. The next night he did not but that's because he had a rough day and didn't get good naps or a proper feeding before bed. So we'll see what tonight brings. But before his sleeping through the night he is only up once. I can handle that.
I am not nursing anymore. I am however pumping 4-5 times a day. He is getting 90% breastmilk and sometimes we add in formula. It's not all of the time. Usually if he is going on an eating spree and/or the milk supply seems to be getting low. But it seems to quickly restock.
There really isn't a day that goes by that I don't want to stop pumping. It's hard to work in if we are out or just busy or the kids are fussy. And my nipples are really sore from the pump too.
So why did I go to just pumping? Well it just sort of happened. He never became a great nurser and I didn't work with him enough on it. He likes the bottle, he eats better and therefore sleeps better and I am not having to nurse him ALL.THE.TIME. It sort of happened over vacation when my mom was feeding him a lot and then totally when we were away from home for a weekend and it just sort of happened.
He has rolled over several times but always with no one watching. It is generally after he wakes up at night or morning and he rolls from his belly to his back. So by the time we go in to get him he's already rolled. I am trying to get him to do it for me but I think he knows I am there and I'll roll him over. He's grabbing toys and following everything. He's still wonderful at being on his own for a while.
He had his first trip to the beach this past weekend. We were a bit unprepared to have a baby at the beach and he got a bit more sun on his face than he should have. So he has a rosy nose and cheeks now. He enjoys being outside and looking at the trees.
Okay now on to the best part of this post. Pictures!

Here he is loving his bath today 6.14 at 4 months old. You can kind of see his pink face.

Sitting with Grandpa
Being doted on by Grandma
At the beach. This was a rare happy moment of the trip.
I love this picture! Nicholas wanted to hold him which is rare.
He's more than half the size of Nicholas.
Here he is down for a nap.

I love these little feet.
Just a happy smiling face. This picture is at least a week old.
Very excited! I think we just did a diaper change. He knows as soon as he is laid on his changing table. He often gets very excited. Oh and he sticks his little tongue out. So adorable! After a bath a week or so ago.

So cute his towel. His eyes are doing a funny thing though. Trying to look at me. Napping outside in his swing under the shade tree.

Okay that's all from us for now.


  1. What an adorable little guy! I love his "roundness". . .

    The pic of the nap is a classic!

  2. whoa! 4 months already!? he's a real cutie...
