Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's great to be 3!

As usual I am a bit late but here it is anyway.
My "little man" turned 3 on Wednesday. He is no longer my "little man" and hasn't been for some time. He is now my Big Guy. I don't even remember what it was like before we had Nicholas.
What can I say about Nicholas?
We went to lunch at Friendly's yesterday and he picks the meal of broccoli and Mac & cheese. Go figure. He did actually eat it too. Given a plate of food he will eat his peppers first. He also right now is in love with turkey cheese burgers.
He is into pirates. Still loves fire trucks, dump trucks, trains.
He still tests my patience everyday.
He's so strong-willed. I hope this is an asset in his adult life.
He's got a great imagination. This winter shoveling snow was actually shoveling coal ( as into a steam train).
He's still our crazy man. But he is OUR crazy man, forever and always.

Here are some pics from the las t couple of months. I will try to get up the birthday pics soon. But check out the video for now.

1 comment:

  1. A big Happy Birthday to your Big (Little) man! Great pics!
