Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 34-35

This pregnancy is just flying by. I can't believe we are within 6 weeks now. I am a little behind on this post so it will be 35 weeks in just 2 days.
This baby is just all over the place. Either Baby is long or just stretched out. I can feel Baby on my pelvis as well as at the top of my abdomen. And Baby moves A LOT! I wouldn't be surprised if Baby decided to come a little early. And I would be okay with that. I am just ready to move on. Get it done and have this baby here.
Since the last post I feel a little more prepared. I have bought a couple of sleepers. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find gender neutral clothing. Everything is boy or girl. I can kind of see why it seems everyone finds out these days. I have clothing washed. Bassinet is ready to go. We still have to set up the room but that is just a matter of moving furniture. We'll put Baby in the spare room and will decorate later when we know the gender. That room needs painted anyway. We never did it since we've moved in. And it will only be easier after Baby comes...riiigghhtt.
Our doctor visit last week was good, except...my blood pressure was a tad high. So we will start our weekly visits now. Doctor wants me to come this week to check it again and possibly do a stress test on the baby. All that entails is hooking up the fetal monitor for 15 minutes to monitor the baby. We did this every week at the end with Nicholas. So no biggie. We are just starting our weekly appointments one week early. But Baby has a strong heartbeat and as I said, moves all the time.
I've started noticing hiccups. It's funny because this baby hiccups and moves its' whole body and my whole belly. I remember Nicholas' being smaller and more localized to one area.
According to the Chinese Birth Calendar, this baby is going to be a girl. Anyone want to wager a guess to the gender? Want to poll as to when this baby will arrive? How about weight?
I've included 2 pictures of my belly. This baby seems low when looking at the pictures.
Okay all for now. I'll try to post more frequently as time gets closer.



    You're getting so close... hang in there! I can't wait to find out the gender AND the name. I love surprises.

    I would imagine it is difficult to find gender-neutral stuff...

    Let us know how your stress test goes.

    :) So close!

  2. I remember thinking the same thing about clothes. (Even the neutral-ish stuff I was able to find seemed to be boyish-greens or girly-yellows...) Right on to you for going with the surprise though. (Still one of the most vivid memories of the birth experience was Chris being the first one to say it was a boy.) And, I'm usually exactly wrong when it comes to this, but I'll go with girl too.

  3. So, I'm super behind on checking the old blogs...sorry. But, you look GREAT! I can't wait to hear the news, and I've got my fingers crossed for a girl. (Boys are pretty cool though, too.)

    I'd say it's not going to be long now, but, really, who knows? ;)
