Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1 Week Already

I had to start with a little teaser. Look at that precious face.
Alexander is over a week old already. The week has really flown by. We are all still adjusting to having a newborn in the house. I wanted to do question form for this post. Here goes.

How is the feeding going?

Better. He started latching better. Still with the shield but that works for now. We actually started giving a bottle. It seemed easier than the finger tube feed thing. However I think it has disrupted his latching. So we may need to lay off the bottles for a bit longer yet. However, it was nice because Joe could do some night feeding and I would pump. It goes much quicker than feeding him. He likes to fall asleep during feeding and then as soon as I put him down he is awake again and wants to eat. So it can take me an hour to feed him in the middle of the night. It's exhausting. But the kid needs to eat.

Milk is in full swing. We had him weighed at 1 week and he was only 3 oz under his birth weight. Yahoo!!

What kind of baby is Alexander?

He is so sweet. He loves to snuggle and be held. It's easy just to sit and hold him. I get nothing done. But I decided to cherish this time because once Joe's back at work. I won't be sitting any longer.
He loves to sleep. Which is super nice. He is such a chill baby. I sure hope it stays that way.

He does really well just laying awake on his own for 20 mintues or so. And he spent a whole night in his bassinet without sleeping on one of us.

How is Nicholas handling his little brother?

Oh, my spirited child. He is very good with Alexander. He brings him toys when he cries. He thinks mom should pick him up when he cries. Alexander's feet were hanging out the other day and Nicholas thought he needed socks. He's been helpful in small ways too. Getting things for us on occasion. We aren't pushing that. He's not the parent.
He has done some acting out. Fit throwing over the small stuff. We expected some of this. We just weren't prepared for how to handle it. But can you really prepare? We are all working through this together. And I can only hope it gets better with time.
He has done some good things. Peeing on the potty...once. But it's a start. And sleeping in his toddler bed for nap today. He has never been interested in the big boy bed.
It goes to show you that you just never know.

Okay I won't bore you anymore and get on with the pictures.

Big Brother helping to feed

Leaving the house, feeling good

After my first bath.

Mom's men

There's those eyes.

Squishy face

Home from the hospital

A little more alert at the end of week 1
I love to have my hands up by my face to sleep

My favorite place to sleep...on Mom

Sleeping, burrito style

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the details.

    These photos are precious, too.

    I'm glad everything is going well with your perfect family of four!
