Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Alexander: 3 months

I've been trying to get this post out all week. So I don't have all the pics up but I'll post anyway and hopefully more pictures will soon follow.

Yes it is true. Alexander is 3 months old already. He's growing so fast both in time and size. I just can't believe it. My little baby is going to be gone before I blink my eyes.
He's over 12 lbs now and about 23 inches long. Since there is no doctor's visit this month we don't have official measurements. But I have been packing away all his 0-3 month clothing and bringing out the 3-6 month size. He's just pushing those toes right to the ends of his sleepers. And I was a little fearful he'd be swimming in this next size. But he's not. He actually fills them out well. Growing fast.
So what's he doing now?
He loves to lay on his playmat and kick and "play." His favorite toys are a lion and this star-smiley face that lights up and plays music. He just smiles and kicks when he sees them.
He has become sensitive to sound. He gets startled easily by loud noises. And let me tell you I have a very loud toddler. I sneezed today and it startled him into a cry. Poor guy.
He loves to smile. As I've said before he sleeps on his tummy. So I'll go turn him over when he wakes up and he'll look at me and give me a big 'ol grin. It's a beautiful sight
And he scoots. He'll scoot himself across his crib and even turn 90 degrees. Sometimes I think he's going to push himself up and roll over. But not yet.
He took his first vacation last week. A 15 hour road trip to Ohio to visit Grandma and Grandpa G. He's not a fan of his car seat. But he was a trooper. He liked the extra snuggle time with Grandma. He is now going through withdrawal.
How's his sleep?
Pretty good. He's up once at night and then a very early morning. According to, a baby his age typically "sleeps through the night" for 6-8 hours. So he does that. However his second stretch is only like 3 hours causing him to wake up early morning. That one could stretch a bit more for me.
How's he eating/feeding?
He eats ALL THE TIME. He took 7 oz last night before bed (and had his best night sleep yet). We've actually started phasing in formula with the breast milk. This is for many reasons. 1. He is just a poor nurser and will be hungry again in a very short amount of time. 2. To fill him up a bit more since formula digests slower than breast milk. 3. To stretch the breast milk further since I don't forsee myself breastfeeding for the whole 12 months. But I give you moms out there that can do this a whole lot of credit. It's not easy.

Alexander is just a little sweetie and so patient with us. I am excited to see how he keeps growing.

1 comment:

  1. Miranda,
    He is so cute. I cannot believe how much he's grown. I love it. And I had no idea Alexander was a belly sleeper! Vivi has always been a side-sleeper and just 2 days ago became a belly sleeper. It makes me SO NERVOUS!!!

    Hug to you,
