Sunday, April 17, 2011

Alexander: 2 Months

Yes, my baby is now 2 months old. And I love it. He's smiling and reacting more now. I am excited about this. His reactions make all the hard work seem like a distant memory. Well, he's still a lot of work. He cluster feeds in the morning and evenings. Takes a good nap in the afternoon, usually. He still wakes up a lot at night but lately he's been going right back to sleep with no fuss and laying on his own. (two nights after I write this, he is up for 2 hours in the middle of the night.) Sweet! Now all this is subject to change at any given moment, of course. Because the only thing predictable about babies is their unpredictability. But I feel we are moving in the right direction. We are closer to sleeping longer and playing longer too. He's just the cutest thing. And even if we've had a hellish night, his morning smile makes me smile. How can it not? He seems to say, "I know you Mommy. Good morning." So let's see. His stats: He now weighs 10 lbs 9 oz. Almost 4 lbs above birth weight. Yay! And has grown an inch longer. His doctor check up was excellent. He seems wide to us. Little fat rolls on his upper legs. He's out of his size 1 diapers and filling out his 3 month clothing fantastically. Nicholas was such a small little guy that this is fantastic to me. Then again I never fed Nicholas like this. I thought he couldn't be hungry an hour later and would hold him off. But with Alexander it's eat eat eat. He loves to lay and kick and look around. He'll crane his neck around to look at what Nicholas is doing. He likes his rainforest music thing on his crib. I can see him being a lot of fun when he gets older. Nicholas says Alexander is going to grow big like him. And he's going to play with him. Because right now it's all about playing with Nicholas. Okay Picture Time!

Alexander napping in the living room. Yes he sleeps on his belly. Go ahead gasp, I'll wait. Moving on...I was trying to get a picture of him in his Patriots outfit including hat.

He looks like a little piggie in this one. I like this outfit. It's just nice.

Another cute hat. He was not amused.

Brother hanging out. Nicholas doesn't like to look at the camera and he's still all of about a milisecond.

Alexander is looking up at Nicholas. I love that face.

Being a good big brother.

Some propped up belly time. Again not amused. He looks so different in this pic too. His hair is slowly growing in on top of the head. And he's got some red hair. That's going to be interesting.

Looking like a little man in a collared shirt.

Love this smile!!

Me and Alexander. He was a little grumpy. It was the end of the day.

Again a great face!

He was groovin' and smilin'.

Look how big!

Okay until next time.

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