Sunday, April 3, 2011


Give me a break. Give me a break. Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar. (you know you sang it.)

My uber-wonderful husband and the devoted father he is gave me a break yesterday. I took a nap (over two hours) then got ready and went out with a friend for dinner and shopping. Joe took care of the both boys for me. And Alexander was a pickle. Vey gassy and fussy all day. He didn't sleep from 2:30 in the afternoon until 9:00 at night. Now that is just way too long for my little 6 week old.

He may have needed some Mommy snuggle/nurse time. So that is what we did. And I was happy to do it. I missed my little guy after 7 hours.

I never left Nicholas that early, that long. But it's good for Alexander. He will propably be left way more than Nicholas.

It's funny how much the first child is the guinea pig and we try to adjust our ways a little with the second.

I am feeling refreshed and ready for a new week ( it helps that Alexander has been sleepy).

So thank you dear husband. I do know how lucky I am to have you.

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