Saturday, September 18, 2010

17 Weeks: The Turnip

So it appears that after only 2 weeks, I have become a bogging slacker...again. Sorry this is late. So let's begin.
Baby Facts: The baby is now around 5 inches long and 5 ounces, the weight of a turnip.
How are you feeling?
Pretty good this week. My hormones decided to take another roller coaster ride this week. And it's hard because I end up taking it out on the Little Man. He takes a lot of patience at times...and I don't always have it.
I haven't felt real positive about this pregnancy. I think that mostly has to do with the fact that I didn't physically feel well for many many many weeks. Well a pregnant friend of mine said this week that this may be her last pregnancy and she is enjoying all things "pregnant." That really struck me because this could possibly be my last pregnancy also. So I am trying to enjoy more. It's easier to do now that I am feeling well and nice to feel the baby move too.
Anything new?
Well, in fact, I can feel the baby move now. It started last Saturday. I lie down in bed for the night and start feeling the thump...thump...thump...I put my hand there and can even feel it through the skin. So I run downstairs to share the moment with Joe. He felt the baby "kick" twice. It was pretty awesome. I've felt the baby move since and sometimes it's just a pressure but sometimes it's little bumps. This is a whole 3 weeks earlier than I felt Nicholas move. Pretty cool!!
Are you feeling/looking bigger?
Well I don't have a picture for you this week but you can check out my fashion show done earlier in the week below. I am much smaller in the morning and getting dressed can be frustrating. Some clothes just make me look like I have a fat roll. By the end of the day I am looking (and feeling) quite round. So I did a little experiment one day. I measured and weighed myself in the morning and then again in the evening. I "grew" throughout the day a half inch and gained 2.5 lbs.
Any other pregnancy "symptoms"?
I am feeling quite nesty. I want this house organized. So I've been pulling things out of closets, purging like crazy and trying to organize. Part of this is that we need to make space in the spare room for another child and I am just tired of having stuff EVERYWHERE. This is a slow process because I just don't have the time or energy to do a lot. And I tend to start something then not get it finished, then it sits for a while. But I'm working on it....slowly.

Well I think that is all for this week. Ciao.

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