Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 18: The Bell Pepper

Well, the baby is now around 5.5 inches (the length of a bell pepper) and 7 ounces. Baby Martel is busy flexing arms and legs. I'll tell you I can feel it. I am just amazed at how much I can feel this baby moving already. If you remember me mentioning earlier I didn't even feel Nicholas moving at this stage and I've been feeling this one for over 2 weeks.

Not much to report this week so I won't do questions. I have been feeling pretty good. Over the cold I came down with last week, thank goodness. Feeling bigger and rounder and enjoying the new maternity clothes. Still eating like a mad woman but don't seem to be gaining much weight so far. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so we'll see what that scale reads.

That's all for now. Hopefully I'll have more next week and I'll try to get a picture too.

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