Friday, August 5, 2011

And it begins

So yesterday as I am changing Nicholas he decides to run around naked. Okay. I get it. Kids like to be naked. I get concerned about him peeing on the floor. He's done it before. So I am trying to get a diaper back on him and he's ignoring me and having fun and I'm laughing with him. Then he hides in his closet. We play the "where's Nicholas?" game. He comes running out,
"here I am!"
Then I see it.
Something comes flying off him.
Yes, he went into the closet and pooped.
Oh no oh no oh no
I can not believe he did that.

So I am done with the child-led potty training. Waiting until he is ready? Nope.
It's hard core potty training.

So day 2
And it's going well. He was wetting his big boy underwear yesterday but today...nope.
We even left the house for 3 hours. I put a diaper on him for that. And he stayed dry! Even with drinking a whole cup of water and juice.
So little by little.
It is exhausting. I was taking him to go potty every half hour yesterday. I am hoping it lengthens as we go along and he gets it.

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