Monday, August 8, 2011

Our fault

Mom and dad were slacking this weekend. We were out and on the go so much that we did not stay on top of the potty training.
So it's Monday and I am back on it.
I know I am not supposed to get frustrated with him but it is so hard not to.
I moved the potty from the bathroom to the living room today just to make it more accessible to him and give him a reminder.
Well he peed in his pants 4 tomes this like an hours time. I swear this kid could go every 15 minutes. He was two steps from the potty and decided to go behind the chair instead. I don't get it.
Later on after lunch, he kept holding his butt.
Nicholas, do you have to poop?
Okay let's get on the potty.
20 minutes later...nope
Again running around holding the butt.
Nicholas, do. You.have. To. Poop?
Okay potty.
I left him do his business.
Came back to.......poop in the potty! Hurray!
It's a big victory.
But I know we still need to stay on top of him.

Let's just hope mom can hold on.

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